Huruful Hija Android Application

Hello Friends,
 I started learning android development around 8 months back and this is first application that I developed and published it on the Google Play Store. I received a pretty great response, around 2000 users and 70 reviews.

Well let me tell you little about my application. It is known as Huruful Hija, basically it means Arabic learning letters, there are 28 letters like the English alphabets from which you start learning the language and specially learn how to recite Quran.

So there 6 different pages in the app, The Sequential is the Arabic letters are in sequence one after the other and its pronunciation plays along so that the user learns the exact pronunciation of it.
Then there is Altogether which has the Arabic letters in one single page, also again with sound so when user clicks on a particular letter it will play its sound.
Random, as the name suggest randomly letter appear so the user can identity after the user has learnt the letters.
Images section has two relevant images attached to the Arabic letter to further identify and learn the alphabet. 
The Tracing part is really great, simple colouring as well as the user choose from any of the 28 letters and learn to write with the help of the guidance shown on the letter.
The Eraab section has 6  basic eraabs also with its pronunciation, Zabar, Zair , Pesh and then there is tanween of all the three mentioned.

So basically the whole idea behind developing this app is making little easy for the users specially children to revise what they have learnt in school and become perfect at it.

So try it out and please leave a feedback.
Thank you

